Title: Scaphoid Fractures Treated With Kirschner (K) Wires or Herbert Screw Fixation Has No Difference in Fracture Healing Period
Authors: Ashutosh Kumar, Manish Ranjan, Mukesh Kumar, Neeraj Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Chandan Kumr, Amarjeet Kumar
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i8.21
Background: The scaphoid is the most common fractured carpal bone. These fractures are commonly difficult to diagnose or go undetected. Degenerative changes set in if scaphoid fracture non-union is left untreated. This study evaluates the outcome of scaphoid fracture treated with K wires or Herbert screw and bone grafting.
Materials and Methods: 7 cases of scaphoid fracture treated from november 2014 to june 2016 were treated with K wires or Herbert screw and bone grafting. Scaphoid nonunion was both clinically and radio graphically diagnosed. Fractures were graded according to herbert’s classification.
Results: 7 patients could be followed up. All patients were no intra operative complications. One (1) patient developed post-operative infection. The study contained 5 male and 2 female subjects. The average age was 29.6 years. Dominant wrist was affected in 5 patients, and non-dominant was affected in 2. Most of the patients showed evidence of radiological union between 14 to 16 weeks. Range from 12 to 23 weeks and an average of 16.40 weeks. Most of the patients 19 (67%) recovered 80% or more of grip strength.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that 1) Scaphoid fracture treated with Kirschner-wire or Herbert screw fixation and iliac crest bone grafting presents a 90% healing rate at 6 months follow up. 2) Scaphoid fracture treatment with Kirschner-wire or Herbert screw fixation and iliac crest bone grafting significantly decreases pain and achieves 84% wrist joint motion compared to opposite side. 3) Scaphoid fracture treatment Kirschner-wire fixation or Herbert screw and iliac crest bone grafting yields 75% of satisfactorily functional results. 4) Average time for radiological union is 16.40% weeks.
Keywords: Scaphoid fracture, Kirschner-wire or Herbert screw fixation, iliac crest bone grafting.