Title: Chemokines Profile in Patients with Graves Diseases in Comparison to Nonautoimmune Hyperthyroidism in Al-Najaf Province
Authors: Dr Kareemthamir Mashkoor Al-Kaabi, Dr Salmanazizal. Jibori, Abdullah Turki Al-Ziadi
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i8.82
Graves' disease (GD), a form of hyperthryroidism (overactive thyroid gland), typified by auto antibodies directed against the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR), Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and thyroglobulin (Tg) (Hammerstad and tomer, 2015; Giménez-Barcons et al., 2015). The presence of thyroid autoantibodies substantially contributes to the pathogenesis of a number of thyroid disorders, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, primary myxedema and Graves’ disease (Xander et al., 2012). They are also present in a smaller percentage of sera from other non- autoimmune thyroid disorders. Thyroid autoantibodies in autoimmune thyroid diseases have been reported to range from 1-40% but its prevalence in non-autoimmune diseases is unknown (Elmugadam et al., 2014). Autoimmune thyroid Graves' disease is one of the most common autoimmune disease (AID), affecting 13 million people and targeting women seven times as often as men. It most often affects young to middle-aged adults but can occur at all ages. (Vos et al.,2009; Utiger,2015). Thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAb) exist as stimulating antibodies in 95-96% of subjects with Graves' disease although only some can demonstrate their functional characteristics (Zöphel et al., 2010). The clinical features of Graves’ hyperthyroidism occur when stimulating TRAb predominate But the relationship of TRAb to clinical phenotype and outcome is not clear when current assay methods are used The course of thyroid autoimmune diseases is associated with the inflow of lymphocytes to the thyroid gland and with the expression of anti-TSH receptor, anti-thyroglobulin and antithyroid peroxidase antibodies. (Rapoport B, Chazenbalk 1998 ) Chemokines (CXCL10) plays an important role in the initial phases of Graves' disease (GD) and autoimmune thyroiditis (AT); however, until now, CXCL10 serum levels (sCXCL10) in patients with GD have never been evaluated in relation to thyroid function and treatment. Graves' disease (GD) is a common autoimmune disease involving the thyroid gland. The altered balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines plays an important role in the pathogenesis of GD. Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 (CCL20) is important for interleukin-17 (IL-17) signal activation and a potent chemo attractant for Th17 cells.(Planck T., 2010).
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