Title: Pattern of Adverse Drug Reactions of Various Chemotherapeutic Agents in Cancer Patients in Kumaun Region
Authors: Gaur S, Sinha A.K, Gunjita B, Bhardwaj R, Renu K, Srivastava B.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i8.77
Aim/Objective: To assess the ADRs due to cancer Chemotherapy in the tertiary care hospital in Kumoun region Materials and Methods: It was a retrospective study conducted from ADR reporting form .The Study was conducted at the tertiary care centre at Dr. Sushila Tiwari Government Medical College Hospital & Swami Ram Cancer Institute Haldwani Nainital. The data was obtained from suspected ADRs reporting forms, between August 2015 to July 2016, from the Radiotherapy department to the ADRs monitoring centre attached to department of Pharmacology under the Pharmacovigilance programme of India (PvPi). The reported ADRs were assessed for causality using both WHO causality assessment scale and Naranjo’s algorithm. The severity was assessed using Hartwig and Siegel scale Results: 187 ADRs were reported from 65 ADR Forms. Most common age group in which the patients had ADRs was 50-59 yrs36.92% followed by 50-59 yrs 23.07%. The most common cancer diagnosed were bronchogenic 21.53%, followed by carcinoma breast 18.46% and larynx 15.38% carcinoma cervix 7.69%, carcinoma nasopharyne and esophagus 6.15%. Most common occurring ADRs were nausea and vomiting 17.11%, headache 8.02%, Anxiety 6.95%, Dizziness 6.95%, Fever 5.88% and Elevated liver enzymes 3.20%. WHO causality scale indicated 59.89% of the reactions were “possible” and 40.10% “probable”. 62.56% were “moderate ” followed by “mild ” 34.75% and “severe”2.67% .Platinum compounds Cisplatin (40.00%) and Carboplatin (24.61%) followed by cyclophosphamide (7.69%) were the most frequent drugs causing ADRs Conclusion: Cancer chemotherapeutic agents have a very high risk of ADR therefore there is a need for prompt detection of ADRs to decrease morbidity and mortality. Rational and judicious use of medicine and adapting preventive measures will reduce the burden of ADRs in the society and benefit mankind.