Title: Evaluation of Adverse Drug Reactions in teaching hospital in Kumoun Region
Authors: Gaur S, Paramjeet S, Srivastava B, Bhardwaj R, Ahuja S, Gunjita B.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i8.76
Objective: The main aim of the study was to assess the occurrence and pattern of ADRS , assess causality and documentation of Suspected ADRS, inteaching hospital in Kumoun Region. Methods: It is a retrospective study about the occurence, nature, pattern and outcome of ADR monitoring from Aug 2015 to July 2016. The ADRS were assessed for casualty using world health organization (WHO) casualty assessment Scale and Naranjo’s algorithm. Result: 466 ADRS were recorded from 251 ADRs form, Male: Female ratio was 1:1.6. Antibiotics / Antimicrobial (32.06%) followed by Anti-viral (23.76%), Anti-tubercular (19.50%) and NSAIDS (6.05%). The common drugs causing ADR were Albendazole 15.24%, Duloutine 8.52%, Pyrizenamide 6.95%, and Metronidazole 4.48%. The most common system involved were gastro intestinal tract 31.16% of ADR, followed by central and peripheral nervous system 27.35%, skin and appendages 22.42% and hormonal system 8.07%. Out of the total ADRs, 62% were possible, 30% were probable 2% were certain and 6% were uncertain. 60.08% of the ADRs were moderate intensity 34.97% were mild and 4.93% of ADRs were severe Conclusion: ADRs are one of the commonest and important cause of mortality and mortality. There is need for greater awareness among doctors health care workers so that it can be minimized and managed. Keywords: Adverse drug Reactions, causality Naranjo’s scale.