Title: An Investigation and Management of Outbreak of Hepatitis E in South-Western India
Authors: R K Singh, Vikas Raj, Richa Ranjan, Rigvardhan, Mukul Bajpai
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i9.14
Background: The term viral hepatitis is reserved for infections of liver caused by a group of viruses having a particular affinity for the liver. A study was carried out to determine the etiological diagnosis, clinical profile, and management outcome in an epidemic of viral hepatitis. Methods: Cases of acute viral hepatitis (n=64) admitted in this hospital were included in the study. Controls who were apparently healthy (n=30) were also evaluated to know the incidence of sub clinical infection. Clinical profile, liver function tests and serological tests were utilized for diagnosis. Management was conservative. Results: Of the 64 cases under study 59 (92.1%) were positive for IgM HEV while 03 out of 30 (10%) controls were positive for IgM HEV. Most of the patients presented with anorexia, jaundice, pain abdomen, and deranged liver function tests. Clinical outcomes were satisfactory in all cases with no deaths or any serious complications. Conclusion: Hepatitis E is common cause for outbreak of epidemic in closed community. A methodical and systemic approach along with high index of suspicion leads to early diagnosis and a concerted approach by medical and administrative authorities helps in containing the epidemic and prevention of complications and fatality. Keywords: Viral hepatitis E, Deranged LFT, IgM HEV.