Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy is the most common cause of maternal morbidity during first trimester of pregnancy. This study is done to analyse various management, clinical parameters and morbidity associated with ectopic pregnancy.
Aim: To study the incidence, clinical trends, management aspect, morbidity and mortality profile of ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary care hospital.
Materials and methods: Retrospective study conducted in women diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy over a period of 18 months. Total of 64 cases during this time period were included. Data were collected from case sheets in medical records department. All the parameters were tabulated and analysed.
Results: The peak age of incidence is 26 to 30 years. Ectopic pregnancy is found to be more common in multigravida. The most common gestational age at presentation is 6-8 weeks. Risk factors are associated with (26 cases) 40.62% of cases. Most common symptom being amenorrhoea. The commonest site is right tubal ectopic pregnancy. The most common morbidity being anaemia. Most common surgery done is partial salpingectomy (48 cases). The success rate of medical management is 88.88%.There is no mortality.
Conclusions: Early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy decreases the morbidity. Proper evaluation of cases with high risk factors during early pregnancy itself will help in early diagnosis which in turn favours successful medical management and decreases in morbidity as well as preservation of fertility.
Keywords: Ectopic pregnancy, salpingectomy, tubal pregnancy, UPT, USG pelvis.
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