Title: Diagnostic Value of High Resolution Sonography in the Cases of Abdominal Tuberculosis
Authors: Dr BS Salooja, Dr Sadhan Mukhi
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i11.18
Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of USG in the cases of abdominal tuberculosis. Methods: This was a retrospective diagnostic study design. The study was conducted among adults aged>18 years of either gender with clinical suspected ATB. The detailed demographic and clinical history was noted on pre-designed proforma. After obtaining the history, the patient was subjected to general physical and systematic examinations. The patients were then subjected to radiological evaluation that included chest X-ray, X-ray of abdomen and USG. Results: A total of 55 clinically suspected adult cases of abdominal tuberculosis were enrolled in the study. Out of the 55 suspected cases, 45 (81.8%) were found to be abdominal tuberculosis on final diagnosis. The abdominal tuberculosis was found to be higher in the age groups 21-40 years (64.4%) and higher among female patients (62.2%). Abdominal pain (82.2%) was the most common clinical feature among the abdominal tuberculosis patients. USG dilated and bowel wall thickening was in 51.1% on USG findings. However, RIF mass was seen in 46.7% patients. Terminal ileum thickening dilatation was found in about one third of the patients (46.7%). Pulled up IC junction was observed in 28.9% patients. Conclusion: Abdominal tuberculosis is a disease with an insidious course without disease-specific clinical and laboratory signs. Employing ultrasound sign, abdominal tuberculosis should be included in differential diagnoses in regions with a high incidence of tuberculosis. Keywords: Abdominal tuberculosis, High resolution sonography, Diagnosis.