Title: Effect of Kinesiotaping in Improving Fine Motor Hand Functions Skills in Person with Spinal Cord Injury (Tetraplegia)
Authors: Ms Anugata Roy, Mrs Priyanka Vijay, Mrs Megha Nijhawan, Mr. Sanjay Kumar Goswami
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i7.11
Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of application of Kinesiotaping over the hand muscles for improving fine motor skills and hand functions in person with spinal cord injuries (tetraplegia).
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of kinesiotaping along with conventional therapy and conventional therapy alone for improving fine motor skills and hand functions in person with spinal cord injuries (tetraplegia).
Study Design: Parallel-Group, Randomized control trials.
Methods: 30 patients with incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) with traumatic and non-traumatic SCI were recruited, ISIC Institute of rehabilitation sciences, New Delhi, India. These patients were selected by simple random sampling divided into two groups one was experimental group and other was control Group. The Modified Ashworth scale, Box and Blocks test & WHOQOL-BREF instruments was used for measuring hand functions.
Results: After the intervention, there was significant improvement were found in WHOQOL and BBT scores (p<0.005) in experimental group as compared to the control group, but there was no significant difference were found in MAS score (p=0.068) of fine motor skills and hand functions in person with spinal cord injuries (tetraplegia).
Conclusion: This study concluded that the application of kinesiotaping along with the conventional hand therapy is effective in improving fine motor hand function skills, & the quality of life but this study did not show reducing spasticity of hands in the person with incomplete spinal cord injury.
Keywords: Kinesiotape, Spinal cord injury, Modified Ashworth Scale, Box and Block test, World Health Organization Quality of Life -BREF.