Title: Undiagnosed Asymptomatic Bacteriuria and Its Prevalence among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal OPD: A Cross Sectional Study at State Hospital
Authors: Dr Meenakshi Rana, Dr Kamini Randhawa
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i12.24
Introduction: In pregnant woman the presence of asymptomatic bacteriuria is common without any symptoms and has a prevalence of 2-10%. When the urine of a asymptomatic pregnant patient is collected and cultured it showed a growth of organism >=105 in asymptomatic bacteriuria. This condition usually progress to other urinary complications and adverse fetal outcomes. Hence it is advised that all the pregnant patients who are asymptomatic should undergo urine culture for screening of asymptomatic bacteriuria.
Methodology: This study was a prospective cross sectional study. All the asymptomatic antenatal patients attending the opd were given sterile urine container and explained the method to collect a midstream urine sample by clean catch method and urine analysis done by microscopy and tested by culture method.
Result: in this study a total of 940 patients without any symptom of urinary tract infection were included. After urine culture out of these patients, 156 patients were found to have asymptomatic bacteriuiria. After the urine culture the most common pathogen isolated was E.coli and second most common isolated pathogen was Klebsiella. Urine culture was followed by drug sensitivity and it showed maximum sensitivity to nitrofurantoin (100%).
Conclusion: In pregnant women without any symptoms urine culture showed asymptomatic bacteriuria with a prevalance of 16.5%. When left untreated Urinary tract infection may lead to serious complications in mother as well as in fetus. Most common pathogen found was E.coli and highest drug sensitivity was found for nitrofurantoin. Hence urine culture test should be done in all asymptomatic pregnant patients despite period of gestation.