Title: Unveiling the Uncanny- Unusual Hemorrhagic Complications of Anticoagulant Therapy – Case Series
Authors: Dr Mangalanandan.S, Dr Amith Itty, Dr Jose, Dr Geena Benjamin
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i11.37
The modern clinical practice would be incomplete without the use of multitude of anticoagulants. These anticoagulants are however associated with a definite risk of hemorrhage. The risk of hemorrhage increases with advanced age and the comorbidity status of the patient. The choice of anticoagulants and the duration and dosage are also seen to have an effect on the possibility of developing a hemorrhagic complication. The clinical manifestations are often deceiving and often cross sectional imaging is mandatory for effective diagnosis of such hemorrhagic complications. Prompt identification and diagnosis these complications aid the clinicians to act on time and take necessary steps for timely intervention. In some of the cases interventional procedures may be needed. The choice of the modality may also be influenced by the imaging findings. Few such characteristic cases are presented here before you giving preference to the images.