Title: Anaesthetic Management of a Large Degenerative Leio Myoma Mimicking as an Ovarian Tumour: A Case Report
Authors: Dr Chethana.CH, Dr Arun Kumar
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i11.05
Giant tumors /huge mass are rarely seen with the advanced medical sciences and modern technology. These are mainly characterised by its huge size causing pressure symptoms apart from basic pathology. leiyomyosarcoma is an aggressive soft tissue sarcoma .a reltively long surgery with major blood loss made this procedure challenging for the anaesthesiologist in maintaining euvolemia and hemodynamic stability without causing acidosis, organ damage, coagulopathy and acute kidney injury.
Here we are reporting a case of 41 year old pre menopausal nulliparous woman with huge degenerative leio myoma of 20kg mimicking as a n ovarian tumour successfully removed and managed by meticulous peri-operative management.
Keywords: Leiyomyoma, Large mass, Anaesthetic management.