Title: The functional outcome of closed fracture proximal third of tibia (Extra- articular) treated by MIPO technique using locking plate
Authors: Dr A.T. M. Rezaul Karim, Dr A. K. M. Harun-Ar-Rashid, Dr Abdur Rahman, Dr Mohammad Shaha Alam, Dr Ayesha Begum, Dr A. H. M. Azgar Ali Chowdhury
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i5.09
Objective: In this study our main goal is to evaluate the functional outcome of closed fracture proximal third of tibia (Extra- articular) treated by MIPO technique using locking plate.
Method: This observational study was carried out at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chattogram Medical College Hospital; Chattogram, From January 2012 to June 2013. A total of 26 patients within 18-60 years of age and were admitted in different Orthopaedic units of Chattogram Medical College Hospital with closed fracture in proximal tibia were included in the study.
Results: During the study, 4 patients (17.40%) have additional injuries. Nearly half of them (2 cases) were victims of head injury. Then rest 1 case involving with ipsilateral femur fracture, another 1 case involving with ipsilateral bi-malleolar fracture.21 of the patients were mobilized by active knee bending and quadriceps exercises were initiated after second week. 2 patients associated with other injuries mobilization were delayed. In 15 cases (65.22%) full range of knee motion at 12 weeks. 6 cases had good results (26.09%), 2 fairs (8.70%). In 18 cases (78.26%) full range of ankle motion at 12 weeks, 3 cases had good results (13.04%), 2 fairs (8.7%). According to patient’s satisfaction 14 patients (60.87%) was pleased, 7 patients (30.43%) was satisfied and two patient 5% is unhappy.
Conclusion: Proximal tibial fracture is common fracture of the tibia. There are several methods of treating this fracture. In case of proximal tibial fractures, closed reduction and internal fixation with locking plate is a good choice. Most importantly, it is easy to use, it is biological in the sense that the blood circulation to the tibia is not compromised, the plate does not need to be configured and the angular screw fixation ensures a fixed-angle stabilization.
Keywords: Closed fracture proximal third of tibia, MIPO technique, locking plate.