Title: The Study of Clinical Profile of Non-Traumatic Paraplegia in a Tertiary Care Hospital in North Andhra
Authors: Chintada Sruthikeerthi, K Manoj Kumar, YGS Raju
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i12.13
Background: Paraplegia can occur due to traumatic or non-traumatic pathology. Myelopathy a broad term that refers to spinal cord involvement of multiple etiologies. Spinal cord diseases often have devastating consequences due to its confinement in a very small area. Many of these diseases are potentially reversible if they are recognized on time, hence the importance of recognizing the significance of magnetic resonance imaging when approaching a multifactorial disease considered as one of the most critical neurological emergencies, where prognosis depends on an early and accurate diagnosis. This study aimed to identify the clinical profile of non-traumatic paraplegia in tertiary care hospital.
Material and Methods: 30 patients of non-traumatic paraplegia were studied at King George hospital, Visakhapatnam from March 2019 to April 2020. Patients underwent a detailed clinical evaluation followed by laboratory investigations and neuroimaging studies.
Results: Present study showed male preponderance with M: F=1.7:1. Incidence was common in productive age groups of 3rd and 4th decade. Presenting symptoms included weakness of lower limbs (100%), sensory symptoms (52%), retention of urine (57%), backache (23%), incontinence of urine (23%) and fever (17%). Tuberculosis of spine was the commonest cause of paraplegia followed by Transverse myelitis; Disc prolapse.
Conclusion: Tuberculosis was the commonest cause of non-traumatic paraplegia. Transverse myelitis of probable viral etiology was the second commonest cause.
Keywords: Non traumatic paraplegia; transverse myelitis; Potts spine.