Title: Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Presenting as Ataxia
Authors: Chintada Sruthikeerthi, B Purushotham Rao, YGS Raju, D Subhash
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i10.27
Besides typical clinical features, hypothyroidism can present with neurological features like reversible cerebellar ataxia, dementia, peripheral neuropathy, coma, etc. We present a case of 40 year old female patient presented with complaints of symmetrical and progressive unsteadiness while walking, dysarthria for a period of two weeks. On examination scanning speech present, dysmetria on finger-nose test and heel-knee test, dysdiadokinesia present, tandem gait impaired .On evaluation CSF analysis was normal, MRI brain plain and contrast was normal. TSH was 150 µIU/L, anti TPO antibodies were 684 IU/ml. She was diagnosed as autoimmune thyroid disease with hypothyroidism and was given levothyroxine supplementation. she improved symptomatically. Hypothyroidism should be considered in all cases of cerebellar ataxia as it is a potentially treatable and reversible cause of ataxia.
Keywords: Autoimmune thyroid disease, hypothyroidism, cerebellar ataxia.