Title: Role of Arthroscopy in Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint
Authors: Dr Md. Azfar Nawaz, Dr Ajay Kumar Mahto
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i9.12
Introduction: Degenerative arthritis is the most frequent disorder in elderly patients. Knee osteoarthritis more likely to result in disability than OA of any other joint. The symptoms of OA of the knee are due to the effects of loose fragments of the articular cartilage, debris, denuding of subchondral bone, degenerative tears of menisci, loose bodies, osteophytes, synovitis, joint effusion and limited motion caused by contractors , pain and malalignment. There are many treatment options available for the management of OA of the knee joint. Analgesics, physical and occupational therapy, arthroscopic joint debridement, joint lavage and joint replacement have all been advocated as management techniques.
Method: The study was prospective, conducted in the department of orthopaedic, Katihar Medical College & Hospital, Katihar. 50 Cases included in this study are the patients attending outdoor department of Katihar Medical College & Hospital having Inclusion Criteria, patients with mild and moderate osteoarthritis, skin condition of the operative field normal, patients with little relief with analgesic and physical therapy, patients and party agreeing to have arthroscopy (after counselling) and exlusion criteria, patients unfit for undergoing operation during pre-anaesthetic check up, patients on irregular treatment of hypertension, coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus etc. The duration of the study was 1 years.
Result: According to this study the mean age was 48 years and most commonly seen in overweight and obese female than male presenting with pain (100%), swelling (70%) and restricted joint mobility (90%). Narrowing of joint space on x-ray is mostly seen in grade 4 (Kellegren-Lawrence radiological grading) followed by grade 3 and grade 2. Post operatively improvement in pain severity score is most commonly seen in grade- 2 (61.11%) followed by grade – 3 (31.81%).
Conclusion: The role of arthroscopic debridement does not shows any improvement in the ongoing pathological process; it is only provides symptomatic improvement in patients of low grade osteoarthritis where it provides pain relief. Conversely, in patient with sever osteoarthritis there is very limited role of arthroscopy.