Title: A Case Report On Van Der Knaap Disease (Vacuolating Megalencephalic Leukoencephalopathy) in Lower Assam of Northeast India
Authors: Dr Vishal Bahadur Chetry, Dr Madhurjya Kumar Thakur, Dr Sangita Mahela
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i6.52
- Megaloencephalic leuco-encephalopathy, formally known as Van der Knaap disease, refers to a rare inherited autosomal recessive disease
- Characterized by macrocephaly with diffuse confluent white matter T2/FLAIR hyper-intensity in the sub-cortical white matter.
- Here is a case of megaloencephalic leucoencephalopathy (van der knaap disease) diagnosed on CT and MRI in FAAMCH IN LOWER ASSAM OF NORTHEAST INDIA.