A series of 27 patients were assessed prospectively to determine the results, adverse effects and patient comfort level of treatment of vasomotor rhinitis and allergic rhinitis by silver nitrate application at inferior turbinate of nose. The patient’s age ranged from 24 to 45 years. This study describes the technique used and results which were obtained after painting of the ‘trigger area’ of the nasal mucosa in patients with vasomotor rhinitis and allergic rhinitis. Every patient was evaluated regularly and the evaluation was based on both subjective response and clinical examination done via anterior rhinoscopy and zero degree endoscopic examination. Only those cases which presented with rhinorrhoea and sneezing as symptoms were selected. Silver nitrate (20 per cent) was used after topical anaesthesia (4% xylocaine pack), and patients received four applications. Successful relief was obtained in 75.6 per cent (58.0 per cent good relief; 17.6 per cent acceptable relief), while 20.4 per cent of the cases (6 out of 27 cases) had poor relief. No complication was seen among the patients during treatment and follow-up and no silver poisoning was detected and local infection or synecheie was observed.
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Corresponding Author
Anshul Kumar
Department of ENT Civil Hospital Jawalamukhi and Civil Hospital Nagrota Bhagwan, India