Title: Cross-sectional study to compare the clinical features in low normal versus high normal plasma glucose levels in euglycemic individuals
Authors: Dr Vinod Verma, Dr Dharmendra Jhavar, Dr Umesh Kumar Chandra
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i3.37
Introduction: It has been known that the diagnosis of diabetes should be made early to prevent cardiovascular and other metabolic complications. So far, determination of blood glucose levels has been used to diagnose diabetes. It shows why the glucose-centric definition for diagnosing diabetes that has been used so far could not be applied to the sole diagnosis criteria for a group of patients with such “syndrome”.
Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out in the department of medicine, M.G.M. Medical College and M.Y. Hospital Indore from July 2016 to August 2017 in 200 individuals and patients having euglycemic status attending General Medicine OPD.
Results: The mean BMI in the low normal group was 23.79±1.09 kg/m2 and in the high normal group it was 24.43±1.26 kg/m2. The difference was found to be statistically significant (P<0.05). In the low normal group, of the females, 40(80%) were having normal W:H ratio and 10(20%) were having abnormal W:H ratio. In males, only 5(10%) were having abnormal W:H ratio. In the high normal group, in females 15(33.3%) were having abnormal W:H ratio. In males, 19(34.5%) were having abnormal W:H ratio. In 100(100%) patients of both the groups, the fundus findings were found to be normal.
Conclusions: It can be concluded that higher values of BMI, Waist-Hip Ratio and positive family history for diabetes were found more commonly associated with high normal euglycemic group when compared with low normal euglycemic group.
Keywords: Body Mass Index, Euglycemia, Waist Hip Ratio.