Title: To study the Association of Microalbuminuria in Prediabetes
Authors: Dr A. R. Mohamed Rasheed, Prof. Dr. M. Ramakrishna Rao
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i11.161
Aims and Objectives: To study the association of microalbuminuria in pre-diabetes in patients above 30 years of age.
Methods: The patients attending the medical out-patient unit in Rajah Muthiah MEDICAL College and Hospital, Chidambaram during a period starting from February 2018- February 2019 with age above 30 years and excluding those patients from the exclusion criteria, a 2 hr oral glucose tolerance test was done and according to the ADA criteria, those patients with venous sample of 2hrs plasma glucose levels between 140-199mg/dl were included in the study. In these patients the presence of micro-albuminuria was assessed.
Results: The prevalence of micro-albuminuria in this study was 13.9%. The prevalence of microalbuminuria in the prediabetic state was more among those in the higher range between 180-199 (33.3%) than those in the lower range 140-159 (4.8%) IGT. When the blood sugar rises in the pre-diabetic range the association of microalbuminuria is present.
Conclusion: There is significant correlation between microalbuminuria in prediabetic patients.
Keywords: Microalbuminuria, Prediabetic.