Introduction: The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a popular instrument which is used extensively for measuring the severity of depression, for both screening purposes and in clinical practice. The BDI consists of 21 items; each item was scored on a 4-pointer Likert scale starting from 0 to 3, giving the total possible items score to 63.Many of the existing patient-reported outcome measures were designed and established for the Western and European English speaking nation. The need for the cross-cultural adaptation and linguistic translation arose as the psychometric properties of BDI scale has never been validated in Mizo culture of the rural northeast Indian population.
Objective: To establish the reliability and construct validity of the Mizo-BDI. This study aims to culturally adapt and translate the patient reported outcome measure of BDI into Mizo tawng (an official language of Mizoram).
Method: 49 community dwelling citizens from the rural northeast Indian primary health-care settings participated for the study. Subjects participated voluntarily in the study after taking a formal consent. The study followed the recommended guidelines for back-translation of the English-BDI into Mizo-BDI.
Results: Internal consistency determined by Cronbach alpha was found to have a good reliability (α=0.89), test-retest reliability determined by Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) showed an excellent reliability (ICC=0.96, 95% CI= 0.94–0.98). For construct validity test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient analyzed the relationship between Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) and BDI and found to have a slight relationship and significant (r=0.31, p<0.05)
Conclusion: The study results validated the M-BDI to be easy to comprehend, reliable and valid assessment tool for measuring the severity of depression in the Mizo speaking rural population of Mizoram, India.
Keywords: depression, reliability, validity, beck depression inventory.
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Corresponding Author
Divya Sanghi Ph.D
Associate Professor, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research & Studies, Faridabad, India