Title: The spectrum of benign breast lesions – A study in Tertiary Care Hospital
Author: Dr Abbadi Venkat Mohan Reddy
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i11.152
Benign Breast Disease is primarily seen in the reproductive period of life. They are largely hormone-induced. So that after menopause and cessation of ovulation, a dramatic decrease in the incidence is seen. The study aimed to find the incidence of benign breast diseases presenting to our Tertiary Care Hospital. Methods: This cross-sectional prospective study was done in the Department of General Surgery, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar. A detailed history including Age, Marital status, Socio-economic status, Occupation, history presenting complaints, menstrual history, and the relation of complaints to menstruation was done. Obstetric history, Lactation history, number of babies fed, past history of similar complaints, family history, and personal history was obtained. All the
information was noted down in the proforma designed for the study. The following investigations were done complete blood picture, USG breast/mammogram, FNAC, and Histopathological examination. Results: The most common presentation was a lump in the breast 84% of patients were with this clinical finding. There was pain associated with a lump in 56% cases and 12% had only pain and pain, lump and fever were found in 12%. In the present study of 50 cases of benign breast, the disease was studied in which Fibroadenoma constituted 40% (n=20 cases). Fibroadenomas with fibrocystic diseases constituted 24% (n=12 cases). Phylloid tumor (Cystosarcoma phyllodes) constituted 12% (n=6cases). Breast abscess constituted 12% (6 cases). Mastitis 8% (n=4 cases) and Galactocele constituted 4% (n=2 cases). Conclusion: Benign breast lesions are very common in females. A painless lump in the breast may be the finding. In some cases, lumps may be present with pain or there may be nipple discharge. The younger females are more likely to have benign breast lesions. Fibroadenoma was the benign lesion found in the study. The accuracy of diagnosis was best by histopathology examination. Early diagnosis and proper treatment will prevent morbidity and mortality due to malignant changes in some lesions.
Keywords: Benign Breast Lesions, Tertiary Care Hospital.