Title: Short Term Outcomes of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Concomitant Valve Procedure: A Retrospective Review
Authors: Dr Amit Kumar Agarwal, Mch CTVS, Dr Kunwar Sidharth Saurabh, Mch CTVS, Dr Ajit Kumar Padhy (Asst. Proff. CTVS), Dr Anubhav Gupta, Professor and H.O.D, Dr Khushwant Popli (Asst Prof)
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i7.39

Rheumatic heart disease is the most common etiology for valve replacements in India. Elderly patients presenting for valve replacements may have concomitant coronary artery disease. Various studies have reported an estimated 20-40% prevalence of CAD in patients undergoing valve replacements. Patients for valve replacement with concomitant CAD if left untreated reduces survival[1]. Lytle et al.,[2] observed operative mortality of patients with both CAD and valvular lesion was higher if CAD was left untreated. Karp et.al[1] recommend that complete revascularization is superior to no revascularization in patients with valvular heart disease and CAD. Previous reports have shown higher risk of combined valve and bypass procedures[3] but with the improvements in surgical techniques and myocardial protection strategies, perioperative mortalities have shown a declining trend[4]. In this study, we retrospectively analyzed outcomes of combined procedures done in our institute.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Khushwant Popli (Asst Prof)
Dept of CTVS VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi.110049, India