Title: Prevalence of Road Traffic Accident (Non-fatal) in Children: Retrospective Study at Tertiary care Centre
Authors: Dr Chandra Shekhar Waghmare, Durgesh Nandani Waghmare, Dr R.K. Chaturvedi
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i3.117
Fatal and Non-fatal road traffic accident in childhood contribute significant public health problem in world. As children grow and their path extends from home to world, they are exposed to hazards and risks. The fatalities from Road Traffic Accidents constitute a major cause of unnatural deaths among children in India. The present study observed that most of road injury fatalities in children involved males in the age group of 5-15 years, most commonly affected were travellers in two wheelers. The present study found that the maximum number of casualties occurred between 8 am –12 Noon which is comparable with findings of other parts of India. Most schools close after 4 pm therefore comparatively more children are present on the road at this time of the day thereby increasing their exposure to automobiles. One of the best ways to do it is to include road safety issues in school curriculum. Those children who ride bicycles should be made to wear helmets as it is expected to reduce the severity of injury to the head. Drivers should avoid talking on mobile phones while on roads.
Keyword: Children, Road Traffic Accident, Tertiary Care centre.