Title: Rare case of a large pancreatic duct calculus causing pancreatitis
Authors: Dr Nandini Venkatesh, Dr P. Surendran, Dr Naveen Alexander
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i3.61
Chronic pancreatitis is commonly associated with debilitating abdominal pain that may be episodic or continuous. The pathogenesis of pain in chronic pancreatitis is usually multifactorial, pancreatic duct obstruction with resultant ductal hypertension is a relatively common cause. It is also commonly associated with exocrine and/or endocrine insufficiency called fibro-calculus pancreatic diabetes. Pancreatic duct calculi are commonly believed to be a sequela of chronic calcific pancreatitis. Primary pancreatic calculi are commonly seen in main pancreatic duct (wirsung) are usually less than 1cm in diameter, irregular and made of calcium salts. Endoscopic and surgical treatments focus on relief of the purported increased ductal pressure. However, endoscopic pancreatic duct stone removal is often difficult due to size or hardness of the stones.