Objective: To determine the outcome of young AMI patient at index hospitalisation.
Background: Coronary artery disease has a devastating consequence precisely because another wise healthy person in the prime time of life may die or become disabled without prior warning. India now in fourth stage of epidemiological transition where Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of mortality & morbidity. Youngs are not immuned. In our study we try to establish the risk factor, presentation, complication in hospital mortality & outcome of young adults (age <40yrs) in our geographic area after 1stAMI.
Method: Total 112 patients admitted in our hospital at B.S.M.C. (Bankura , west bengal) after 1st AMI was studied .Data collected from 1stJuly 2016 to 31stDecember 2017 after considering the exclusion criteria with known ischemic heart disease.
Result: Mean age of presentation was 36.3yrs. Risk factors were smoking, dyslipidaemia, other form of tobacco abuse, and family history of CAD & Hypertension. Most common presentation was chest pain. Anterior wall was most commonly affected. Young females are comparatively immuned. Presentation was relatively late as it was rural based population & lack of knowledge. Only twelve patients undergo cardiac catheterisation during index hospitalization.
Conclusions: i) Prognosis is relatively good compare to old age as from other iterature.
- ii) Most considerable demonstrated risk factor in young is male sex.
iii) Patient educational status, proper counseling & availability of resources are important for successful outcome.
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Corresponding Author
Sourav Sau
Assistant Professor, Radiotherapy Dept. BMCH Burdwan, West Bengal, India