Title: Clinical spectrum of fever cases in correlation with hemato-biochemical and radiological parameters- an Experience from a Zonal Hospital in Eastern India
Authors: Lt Col Santosh Kumar Singh, Col Sarvinder Singh, Lt Col TentuAjai Kumar, Col Ajay Kumar Singh, Lt Col Barun Kumar Chakrabarty, Dr Vani Singh, Maj Rachana Warrier, Capt Nidhi Singh, Lt Chinmaya Dash, Maj Sunny Pathania
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i12.135
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to study the clinical spectrum of fever cases, outline the hematobiochemical and serological parameters and delineate a syndromic approach to tropical infections in a zonal hospital of eastern India.
Methods: The study included 120 cases of fever admitted to our hospital in ICU and acute medical wards and corelating their clinical manifestations with the lab parameters (hematological, biochemical, serology) and imaging modalities.
Results: Out of 120 cases admitted with fever, 39(32.33%) cases were undifferentiated viral fever, 15(12.5%) were enteric fever, 13(10.8%) were dengue, 8(6.7%) were malaria, 3(2.5%) each of hepatitis A and hepatitis E, 8(6.7%) of varicella, 6(5%) of pneumonia and 5(4.2%) of UTI. 5 cases each of meningoencephalitis and liver abscess were reported along with 2 cases each of scrub typhus, leptospirosis, chikungunya, kala azar and viral interstitial pneumonia.
Conclusion: Our study has focused on the bedside clues which help the physician in solving the diagnostic conundrum of tropical diseases that are encountered commonly in our country and their correlations with hemato-biochemical, serological and diagnostic imaging modalities which will guide us the therapeutic modalities.
Keywords: Tropical infections, dengue fever, mixed infections, enteric fever, meningoencephalitis, leptospirosis.