Background: Cholecystectomy is currently advised only for patients with symptomatic gallstones. However, about 4.1% of patients with asymptomatic gallstones develop symptoms including cholecystitis, obstructive jaundice, pancreatitis, and gallbladder cancer.
Objectives: To assess the benefits and harms of surgical removal of the gallbladder for patients with asymptomatic gallstones.
Material & Methods: A topic wise search was done in Pubmed, Google-scholar, medIND and other electronic sources for asymptomatic gallstone, silent gallstones and preventive cholecystectomy.
Conclusion: There are no randomized trials comparing cholecystectomy versus no cholecystectomy in patients with silent gallstones. Further evaluation of observational studies, which measure outcomes such as obstructive jaundice, gallstone-associated pancreatitis, and/or gall-bladder cancer for sufficient duration of follow-up, is necessary.
But Laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be recommended for asymptomatic gallstones in areas where there is high prevalence of gallbladder stone disease and cancer.
Keywords: Asymptomatic gallstone, silent gallstones, preventive cholecystectomy, AsGS, gallbladder carcinoma.
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Corresponding Author
Rajiv Ranjan
Senior Resident, Department of Surgery, A.N.M.M. College Hospital, Gaya, Bihar, India
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