Title: Use of Rubber Band Ligation and Micronized Flavanoid in the Treatment of Hemorrhoid: A Comparative Study
Authors: Dr AKM Shamsuddin, Dr Nasrin Sultana, Dipok Chandra Kirtonia, Dr Major Mohammad Alom, Lt Col Dr Md Nazmul Hoque
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i10.79
Background: Hemorrhoid is a common cause of per rectal bleeding of all sexes. There are many options for the management of hemorrhoid depending on symptoms and degree of hemorrhoids. Rubber band ligation and micronised flavanoids (Oral Agent) have used in early symptomatic hemorrhoid.
Aims: To find out the effectiveness of rubber band ligation (RBL) and micronized flavanoid in the treatment of hemorrhoid.
Patients and Methods: Uncomplicated 120 patients with 1st and 2nd degree hemorrhoid were selected by proctoscopy. RBL and ‘Oral Agent’ were applied to 60 patients each. Recovery from bleeding, time needed to relief symptoms and presence of complication were observed to measure outcome.
Results: Complete cure from bleeding seen with 91% cases of rubber band ligation and 82% cases after ‘Oral Agent’ use. Early cure seen after RBL and that was 3rd day after use. After RBL and ‘Oral Agent’ application 95% and 85% showed their satisfaction regarding treatment.
Keywards: Hemorrhoid, Rubber Band Ligation, Micronised Flavanoid.