Background: The inability to conceive within 1 year of unprotected intercourse is estimated to affect upto one in five couples of reproductive age and poses a significant health problem. Presence of antisperm antibodies in semen can lead to a condition called ‘immunological infertility'. We envision the use of Mixed Agglutination Reaction for the detection of antisperm antibodies.
Methods: Patients referred to Department of Pathology for semen analysis from Cheluvamba hospital and K R Hospital is included in the study. After 3 days of abstinence, they were advised to collect semen by masturbation into a sterile wide mouthed container. Semen analysis is carried out where viability, motility and count of sperms are recorded followed by Mixed Agglutination Reaction
Results: Out of the 96 cases studied, majority of the patients were in 30-35years age group. Most common history mentioned was primary infertility. MAR positivity was detected in 37% of cases. Routine semen analysis parameters such as sperm count, viability, motility and pH was found inappropriate for detection of antisperm antibody.
Conclusion: Immunological infertility is important as it has got prognostic and therapeutic implications. As the principal treatment of immunological infertility is IVF, present study will be helpful to predict the successful outcome of IVF, hence in preventing financial burden on to the family.
Keywords: Immunological Infertility, Male, Meteroic, Mixed Agglutination Reaction.
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