Objectives: objective of our study was to correlate the computed tomographic (radiodiagnosis) finding with histopathological diagnosis of patients with chest masses.
Methodology: A detail assessment and relevant investigation were performed to all patients. Computed tomography (CT) with Hitachi 3rd Generation was used as a instrumentation. The CT diagnosis was made based on the size, morphology, margin, density, calcification and various other characters. A CT guidance was used for FNAC/needle biopsy in most of the lesions.
Results: Data was analyzed by using simple statistical methods with the help of MS-Office software.
Conclusions: Chest masses were commonly seen in age group of 26-40 years. Majority of patients of lung lesions were correct on radiodiagnosis (CT diagnosis) as compared to histopathological diagnosis. Incorrect was greater seen on histopathological diagnosis as compared with radiodiagnosis. Patients with mediastinal lesions were more correct on histopathological diagnosis as compared with radiodiagnosis. Inconclusive was greater seen on histopathological diagnosis as compared with radiodiagnosis. Over all, Radiodiagnosis (CT diagnosis) was more correct as compared with histopathological diagnosis of patients with chest masses.
Keywords: Chest mass, Lung lesion, Mediastinal lesion, Radiodiagnosis, Histopathological diagnosis.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Shambhavi
Post Graduate Trainee, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Katihar Medical College, Katihar, Bihar, India
Ph: +91 6202056578, Email: drshambhavikmc@gmail.com