Title: Etiological Factors and Clinical Spectrum of Cerebral Palsy in a Tertiary Care Centre
Authors: Balaji Bhusan Patnaik, Chandra Deve Varma B S K, T. Jogi Satyasree, K.Varakishan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i8.174
The clinical pattern and etiology of 544 cases of cerebral palsy were studied retrospectively. of these cases,354 cases (65.1%) were Males. Four hundred and ninety seven (91.4 %) cases were of spastic type. Hypotonic, ataxic and athetoid cerebral palsy were observed in 5.5, 1.5 and 1.3 % cases respectively. There was one case each of tremor and mixed type. In the spastic group, quadriplegia comprised the maximum number of cases (34.9%). Diplegia (28.7%) and Hemiplegia (21.9%) were also common. Mental retardation was found in 47.2% cases, while speech impairment was observed in 37% cases. Other handicaps include visual (9%) ,seizure ( 8.8 %) and auditory handicap (2.9%). The etiological factors were prenatal in 7.7 % cases ,natal in 43.8 % cases and postnatal in 26.1 % cases .More than one etiological factor was observed in 14.5 % cases ,while in 7.9% cases no apparent cause can be found
Cerebral palsy continues to be one of the major crippling disorder in children. The incidence of cerebral palsy in India is 3/1000 live births. Various studies(2-9) have been carried out to study the clinical types and the etiology of this disorder. However, the exact etiology of this condition is often not identified. The present study was done to find the clinical profile of cerebral palsy and identify the etiological factors.
Keywords: Cerebral palsy, Diplegia , Anoxia