Title: Hemostasis in HIV Infected Individuals
Authors: A.Ganesh Raja, T. Usha, V.P.Youmash
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i8.172
With the introduction of cART, HIV infection is slowly evolving into a chronic disease. HIV-related thrombocytopenia is the most common hemostaticdisorder. In addition, there are some abnormalities in the fluid phase of the coagulation cascade which can produce bleeding or thrombosis in the HIV patient. The most common are thrombocytopenia, prolonged prothrombin time, prolonged partially activated thromboplastin time, the production of a lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies, and several abnormalities in the natural-occurring anticoagulants. The thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) recently associated with HIV has a clinical presentation and treatment alternatives that closely resemble those for the classical disease. This study was conducted to know the pattern of these hemostatic abnormalities among PLHA’s. Our study showed most of hemostatic abnormalities occurred with advanced stage of disease which was stastistically significant too. Several thrombotic events were noted in the form of ischemic stroke and DVT, but no clinically significant bleeding manifestations. The knowledge of these hemostatic abnormalities and its early identification in the HIV seropositive patient allows a more rational care of these patients.
Keywords: cART, hemostatic disorder, PLHA, thrombocytopenia, TTP, DVT, lupus anticoagulant