Introduction: Blood Donation is a service to mankind, saving millions of precious lives now and then. Human blood is an indispensable element of the human life as there is no substitute for it. Blood transfusion has an essential role in the patient care in routine and in emergency in any hospital setting. In developing nations like India, there is a huge inequality between the proportions of male and female donors. Females contribute a very small percentage in blood donation, in comparison to male gender.
Material and Methods: The present study was conducted in Department of Blood Bank, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Govt. Medical College, Chamba (H.P), retrospectively from Jan 2011 to Dec 2017.
Results: On the whole, females formed 5 % and males formed 95 % of total blood donors. In outdoor camps, females contributed 18 %, whereas male donors formed 82 % of the total blood donors. In the in-house donations, female gender formed 2 % of the total blood donation, whereas male gender formed 98 % blood donors.
Discussion: We studied the gender distribution of donors in in-house and outdoor blood camps, and found quite a huge disparity in male and female donors. The total number of female donors was quite low, in comparison to male donors in both blood bank as well as outdoor blood camps. There were only 270 female donors, whereas number of male donors was much higher (5678), in our study, including both in blood bank and outdoor camp donations. Also, the number of female donors in outdoor camps was higher than in house female donors.
Conclusion: Motivation, education and counselling about voluntary blood donation should be actively done for females in mass community. They should be made aware about significance of balanced diet and health measures to be taken to prevent anemia, as majority of females in rural areas have low hemoglobin value, which hinders them for donating blood.
Keywords: blood bank, outdoor camp, blood donation, female donors, male donors.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Shairoly Singh
Department of Pathology, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Govt. Medical College, Chamba (H.P) India
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