Title: The Effect of Dental Health Education Methods through Teacher Training to the Behaviors of the Teachers and Dental Hygiene of Children with Intellectual Disability
Authors: Bedjo Santoso, Sariyem, Erni Mardiati, Irmanita Wiradona
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i5.151
Background: Government efforts to prevent oral disease in school-age children were done through dental school program which was not only carried out at regular school but also in a special school. Based on data from Semarang Regency Health Office in 2010, there were 14 primary schools used as the pilot implementation of the program, but the program did not run properly. The problem of dental hygiene activities in special school is the limitations of children with intellectual disability who can not do dental health care independently. Through empowerment and optimization of the role of teachers in schools by conducting training on dental and oral hygiene, it is expected that children with intellectual disability will be able to implement the skills on dental and oral hygiene.
The Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dental health education methods through teacher training to the behaviors (knowledge, attitudes, and skills) of the teachers and dental hygiene of children with intellectual disability in special schools in Semarang Regency.
Method: The type of this research was quasi-experiment with the pre-test and post-test with group design. The subjects of this research were all teachers and children with intellectual disability in special schools in Semarang Regency. A total number of the subject was 30 people consisting of 10 teachers and 20 children.
Result: Teachers’ behavior including knowledge, attitudes, and skills which were tested statistically by paired t-test had increased significantly before and after the training, proved by the value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05). Statistical test with paired t-test also showed that dental uncleanness in children decreased significantly, proved by the value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05).
Conclusions: Dental health education methods through teacher training had shown to be effective to significantly increase the teachers’ behaviors and dental hygiene of children with intellectual disability in special schools in Semarang Regency.
Keywords: Children, Dental hygiene, Intellectual disability, Special schools, Teacher