Title: Bacteriological Profile in Pus Sample of Burn Patients Admitted in Pravara Rural Hospital Loni
Authors: Mrs. Sonali Tambe, Dr Rahul Kunkulol, Dr Rashmi Kharde, Mrs Vandana Pulate
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i5.119
Burn injuries are a serious health problem in developing countries. They are associated with a significant incidence of death & disability, multiple surgical procedures, prolong hospitalization & high cost of health care.1
Burn patients are ideal host for opportunistic infections. The development of infection depends on the presence of three conditions, source of organisms, mode of transmission & susceptibility of the patient. Infection risk for burn patients is different from other patients. Infection remains of foremost concern in the management of burn wounds which is often very difficult to control.3Microbial contamination of burn wound lead to local & systemic infection. The common pathogens isolated from burn patients include pseudomonas, klebsiella species& staphylococcus aureus.4
Every times antibiotics are used whether appropriately or not in human being, the probability of the development & spread of antibiotic resistanant bacteria increases.1
Keeping all this in mind, it was thought prudent to evaluate the bacterial profile & antibiotic sensitivity pattern of pus sample in burn patients. This study will help the treating physicians or surgeon to know the most common bacterial growth in pus sample of burn patient & effective antibiotics on culture report.
Keywords: Monobacterial, Burns patients, Polybacterial, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus aureus.