Background: Dengue fever is a world health problem. It is endemic in more than 100 countries and threatens about 2.5 billion or 40% of people living in urban, suburban, and rural areas in both tropical and subtropical climates. Various mitigation measures have been undertaken, including vector control using mosquito nest eradication, selective abatization with larvicides, and mosquito fogging. Elimination using chemicals causes many problems. Another alternative to control the growth and development of Aedes sp. mosquito is needed. The use of insect growth regulator (IGR) is suggested to overcome this problem, since it does not affect the cleanliness of water, does not increase resistance, and considered safe.
The Objective: The objective of this research was the IE50, IE90, and LC50 concentration of pyriproxyfen to eliminate Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus larvae.
Method: The type of research used was laboratory experimental with a post-test design with only one group control design. This research was done through the actual test by creating dose variations of 1000 ppm of pyriproxyfen, which were as much as 0,14 mL; 0.196 mL; 0.274 mL; 0.384 mL; 0.538 mL; and 0.752 mL. The results of observation of larvae mortality were calculated by probit analysis to obtain the LC50 value of pyriproxyfen against Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. The LC50 value obtained from probit calculation was replicated four times and used to find the value of LT50.
Results: Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus larvae after pyriproxyfen treatment and probit calculation showed inhibition of the growth Aedes aegypti larvae, indicated by IE50 value (95% Fiducial limits (FL)) of 0.17ppb (0.13-0.21) and IE90 (95% FL) of 0.68ppb (0.43-1.08). Inhibition of the growth of Aedes albopictus larvae was indicated by the value of IE50 (95% FL) of 0.11ppb (0.09-0.13) and IE90 (95% FL) of 0.39ppb (0.26-0.57). External morphological changes also occurred to Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus larvae after the exposure. Flaking of the cuticle to the thorax and swelling of both the head and the thorax were observed. Therefore, insect growth regulator has the potential to prevent the development of larvae into adult mosquitoes.
Conclusions: Pyriproxyfen can inhibit the growth of larvae. Pyriproxyfen LC50 concentration on Aedes aegypti larvae were 1.63ppm and on Aedes albopictus larvae was 1.56ppm. The use of pyriproxyfen causes external morphological changes to occur in larvae, pupae, and adult mosquitoes especially on the feet, whereas the proboscis and wings do not undergo morphological changes.
Keywords: Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), Larvae, Pyriproxyfen
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Corresponding Author
Cecep Dani Sucipto
Minister of Health Polytechnic, Banten, Indonesia
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