Title: Ultrasound grading of fatty liver and association with obesity
Authors: Muhammad Abdullah, AM Anand, P Elamparidhi, R Ramesh Kumar
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i4.41
Introduction: The most common incidental finding in an ultrasound abdomen scan is fatty liver. The significance of this finding is a curiosity for the radiologist and the clinician as there has been lots of study with equivocal results.
Aim: To study if there is any significant relationship between grades of fatty liver and hepatomegaly with mild, moderate or morbid obesity.
Materials and Methods: This study was done as a hospital based retrospective study in department of Radiology for a duration of one month in all patients who were incidentally detected with fatty liver. BMI was calculated for correlation with hepatomegaly and grading of fatty liver.