Title: Testing the Quantity and Types of Bacteria in Laptops Before and After Being Cleaned
Authors: Sri Ani, Budi Pramono, Aris Budianto, Asep Tata Gunawan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i2.190
Background: Laptop which is always in contact with the hand during working may act as a medium of transmission of the disease.
The Objective: The researchers conducted a bacteriological test on laptops to know the quantity and type of bacteriological laptop.
Method: Using cross-sectional design, the analysis was conducted on 36 samples of laptops owned by students and lecturers of Health Polytechnic Minister of Health Jakarta Indonesia. The number of germs was determined through the method of Standard Plate Count (SPC) and to determine the type of bacteria the Streak Plate Method (SPM) was employed. The bivariate analysis was performed to assess the relationship of cleanliness to the number of germs.
Results: The decline in the average number of germs between before and after the examination as much as 1457.67 colonies (96.08%). P- value = 0.235 > 0.05 means that there is no significant effect of the average number of bacteria before and after cleaning. The results of the examination of specific pathogenic bacteria either Salmonella, Shigella, and Escherichia coli was not found in the laptop of students and lecturers.
Conclusion: It is suggested laptops are often cleaned with a dry tissue to prevent an increase in the number of germs' colonies and do the regular cleaning with a natural disinfectant.
Keywords: bacteria, quantity, laptop, cleaning.