Title: Ocular Manifestations in Polytrauma Patients in Pediatric Age Group in Tertiary Care Center in Central India
Authors: Dr Minal Vyawahare, Dr Piyush A Madan, Dr Swatie Kamble, Dr Sunil Bhad
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i2.135
Purpose: In a tertiary center in Central India everyday many pediatric patients present with polytrauma to the emergency department with life threatening injuries. In such scenario ocular injuries remain the one of the cause of the co-morbidity. This study is to know the ocular involvement in pediatric patients with polytrauma in a tertiary care center in Central India.
Method: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study in tertiary care center in central India. All the patients under age 16 reporting to the emergency services from June 2016 to June 2017 were included. Data was collected from records and tabulated. Statistics analysis was done using spss software.
Results: 1483 cases were screened, of them 111(7.4 %) showed ocular manifestations. Males were predominantly involved (71.17%) as compared to females (28.83 %). Most common mode of injury was fall from height (45 cases) and then road traffic accidents (34 cases). Head injury was main association with ocular trauma (56 cases) followed by nasal bleed (32 cases). Periorbital edema is most common presentation (35 cases). Vision was affected in 19 cases (14.84%) ranges from No PL to 6/6. Most common cause of vision loss was traumatic cataract (9 cases), corneal perforation (7 cases) followed by vitreous hemorrhage (6 cases).Mortality is present in 4 cases.
Conclusion: Ocular involvement is present in many cases of polytrauma though vision threatening involvement is less. But care full assessment can help to prevent co morbidity.