Title: Misoprostol for Induction of Labor: A Review
Authors: Mahajan M, Gupta, KB, Sharma, R
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i2.120
Induction of labor is widely used across the globe in cases where continuing pregnancy is unsafe for the mother and/or her fetus. Numerous techniques are available for induction of labor. Use of misoprostol appears one of the effective methods of cervical ripening and labor induction. The effectiveness and safety of misoprostol administered vaginally or orally for labor induction have been reviewed in the present paper. Since the use of misoprostol can have maternal and perinatal implications, it is important to review the effectiveness of misoprostol in cervical priming and induction of labor. This paper reviews the effectiveness and safety of misoprostol administered orally, sublingually and vaginally for induction of labor.
Keywords: Induction of labor, Misoprostol, oral administration, vaginal, sublingual
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