Title: Fetomaternal Outcome in Placenta Previa with Unscarred Uterus (One Year Prospective Study)
Authors: Dr Khushpreet Kaur, Dr Rama Garg, Dr Arvinder Kaur, Dr Ruchi Jindal
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i1.140
Placenta Previa with unscarred uterus is the major cause of antepartum haemorrhage that causes serious morbidity and mortality to both fetus and mother.
Objective: To study the maternal outcome in placenta previa with unscarred uterus. To study the fetal outcome in Placenta previa with unscarred uterus.
Material and Methods: This was the one year prospective study conducted in Govt. Medical College, Patiala in cases of placenta previa with unscarred uterus. During the study period out of 3784 deliveries 86 cases of placenta previa were reported. There were 38 cases of placenta previa with unscarred uterus.
Results: Present study confirmed that incidence of placenta previa in unscarred cases is significantly high. The no. of unbooked cases was high. There was one maternal death. Our study showed favourable fetal outcome.
Conclusion: The frequency of placenta previa in unscarred uterus is slightly higher in our study than other studies and this problem may be estimated for further planning and management of placenta previa.
Keywords: Placenta previa, maternal outcome, fetal outcome.