Title: Association of Ovarian Cancer Risk with Other Gynaecological Diseases in Women- An Observational Study
Authors: Bessy Binu Sam, Kala Bahuleyan Santha, Vishnupriya Prakasan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i1.85
Background: The most lethal malignancy of the female reproductive system is ovarian cancer. Risk of ovarian cancer increases with age, but the rate of increase slows after the menopause. Several factors have been reported as being associated with the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer, most notably various gynaecological diseases and cancers. This observational study examines the association between ovarian cancer risk and various gynaecological diseases.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Government Medical College, Kottayam, Kerala for a period of one year. Data was collected from 448 women of whom 112 women were diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The chi square test was done to find the association of ovarian cancer risk with different gynaecological diseases.
Results: We found out significant association of PCOD, family history of ovarian cancer and fibroid with ovarian cancer. Our study couldn’t find significant association of history of breast cancer and cervical cancer with ovarian cancer.
Conclusions: Overall these results suggest that women with PCOD are at increased risk of ovarian cancer. Family history of fibroid and ovarian cancer also increases ovarian cancer risk. Having multiple benign gynaecologic conditions had a cumulative effect on ovarian cancer risk.
Keywords: Ovarian cancer, fibroid, endometriosis, breast cancer