Palpation tecnique still used today, studies have shown that this technique is uneffective for measuring uterine contractions during labor. Electromyogram (EMG) with surface electrodes is a non-invasive tool that can be used to monitor uterine activity in labor with more objective and accurate result. The aim of this study was to explain the uterus electrical activity during first stage of labor. This is a prospective observational of 10 singleton deliveries. Maternal contractions monitored using 3-channel surface electrodes of the EMG. Recording was done from begining until complete servix dillatation every 30 minutes for 10 minutes. Recordings are then calculated the average frequency, duration, interval, and the action potentials. Ten random data sequence was piked by data normalization and presented in a trend.The results showed the frequency, duration and action potential experiencing a rising trend approaching second stage of labor, with average respectively (3.65 ± 0.89) time/10 minutes, (67.40 ± 27.03) second and (62.82 ± 29.12) mV. But in the frequency and action potential decreased at the end of first stage of labor. The duration of the contraction was significantly decreased approached second stage of labor with average (3.79 ± 1.18) menutes. Changes in uterus activity was a natural mechanism during labor in the mother's body to adjust physiological conditions of the mother and fetus in the womb to be through normal birth process.
Keywords: Uterine Contraction, Uterine electricity, First stage of labor, Electromyography
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