Title: Morphological Assessment of Maxillary Sinus Volume in Gender Differentiation
Authors: Hassan Mohammad, Anand A.M, Dr N. Kulasekaran
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i11.204
Background: The maxillary sinuses are the largest of the facial cavities. Depending on the individual’s age, its volume varies. between small, average or large sinuses. Communication of this sinus with the nasal fossa is through a canal called the ostium which has its opening at the nasofrontalis duct. The high placement of this canal favors the origin of several sinus pathologies. The aim of this study is to calculate the maxillary sinus volume by measuring the Antero-posterior, Medio-lateral and Cranio-caudal distances of the maxillary sinus andto compare the morphology of maxillary sinus between the right and the left sides in males and females. Additionally the location of maxillary ostium was also assessed.
Materials and Methods: Our study involved 80 adults who were referred to the department of radiodiagnosis for complaints related to paranasal sinuses. Computed tomography (CT) images of paranasal sinus anatomy was obtained in coronal and sagittal planes. Measurements of the maximum cranio-caudal, transverse and anteroposterior diameters were measured. The opening of the sinus ostium (upper, middle, or lower third) was obtained.
Results: In our study, the average maxillary sinus volume on the right side was found to be 40.7% more in the male population as compared to the females whereas on the left side, it was found to be 50.3%. This suggests that the maxillary volume can be used as a relatively accurate method to determine the gender. Of the 100 adults, maxillary ostium was located in the upper 1/3rd in 84, and in the middle 1/3rd in 16. None of the adults had a lower 1/3rd opening of the maxillary ostium.
Conclusion: Significant difference exist in the maxillary volume between males and females, with the left maxillary sinus showing a more greater difference. The maxillary ostium is situated in the upper 1/3rd majority of patients. CT of paranasal sinuses is a useful in assessing these observations.