Title: The Functional Outcome of Transtibial vs Transportal Femur Drilling Techniques in Arthroscopic Assisted Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Authors: S.Sankar, A.Manikandarajan, P.S.Balamurugavel, Dhanpal Singh, R.Neelakrishnan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i11.107
Aim: Femoral tunnel drilling in ACL reconstruction is done by either anteromedial portal (AMP) or by transportal technique. We compared the functional outcome following arthroscopic assisted ACL reconstruction by transtibial and transportal techniques.
Materials and Methods: From June 2015 to June 2017 a consecutive series of patients with mean age of 30.7 years who underwent ACL reconstruction were included for the study. The femoral tunnelling was done either by anteromedial portal or transtibial technique. The reconstruction was done by either patellar tendon bone graft or quadruple hamstring autograft. Both groups were compared in 8 follows.
Results: The functional results were scored according to the subjective IKDC scoring system and compared by using two separate sample T- test and accordingly the P value came to be less than 0.05.The position of femoral tunnel, ease of technique and pitfalls were analysed.
Conclusion: Anteromedial portal technique shows significantly less mean value of subjective IKDC score on follow ups when compared to transtibial technique. More horizontal placement of femoral tunnel was possible with AMP technique.
Keywords: Anterior cruciate ligament tear, anteromedial portal, transtibial.