Title: Limited Sclerosis- A Rare Connective Tissue Disorder- A Case Report
Authors: Rohit Ram Kumar, Madhu G Kandathil, Arathi N, Suresh Raghavan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i8.192
Limited cutaneous scleroderma is a rare connective tissue disorder characterised by thickening of skin limited to the distal aspect of limbs and face and the basic pathology is functional and structural vascular alterations, inflammation, sustained fibroblast activation, fibrogenesis and impaired matrix degradation. They often describe long standing Raynaud’s phenomenon, GERD, may have telengectasias, skin calcifications and sclerodactyly. Here we present a case of limited scleroderma presenting in the early phase of the disease with skin involvement alone. Abstract