Title: Use of Simple Information Communication Technology to Manage the Epilepsy Challenge at a Community Cottage Hospital in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria
Authors: Emmanuel Ekanem M.B.B.Ch, PGD (Clin Res.), FMCPaed., Akinwumi Fajola M.B.B.S, M.Sc, FWACPH, Rakiya Usman M.B.B.S. MSc, M.D3, Tamunoibim Anidima RN, B.Sc., Gloria Ikeagwu RN, RM
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i8.117

Epilepsy is a worldwide problem associated with stigmatization. In Nigeria many of these patients do not access adequate care, drop out of school or employment and many die at home. To help ameliorate this problem, the Obio Cottage Hospital, a Community Cottage Hospital in the Niger Delta of Nigeria, runs a seizure clinic for these patients. In addition simple ICT based video recording of attacks by mobile phone and sending the videos to the clinic by WhatsApp application is used to reach distant patients who may otherwise not access adequate care. Three vignettes demonstrating the use of this cheap, simple-to-use and widely available ICT to successfully manage epilepsy is reported. It is concluded that this can be employed to effectively manage epilepsy as well as similar health challenges in people who would otherwise not access adequate care in developing countries. Recognition of electronic signature for prescription drugs in this kind of circumstance is recommended.
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Ekanem E.E
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