Title: Goldenhar Syndrome –A Rare Case Report
Authors: Piyush Bajaj, Neha Chandrakar, Anusha Pawar, Sonam Mahajan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i8.56
Goldenhar Syndrome or oculo auriculo vertebral spectrum is a complex syndrome characterized by an association of maxillomandibular hypoplasia, deformity of the ear, ocular dermoid and vertebral anomalies and the most severe form of hemifacial microsomia. We report a case of a 7 year old male child presented to us with bilateral epibulbar dermoids, mild conductive deafness, preauricular tags and operated cleft lip.
Keywords: Goldenhar syndrome, accessory tragus, oculo auriculo vertebral dysplasia.
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