Title: Familial Dominant Drusen with Cnvm: A Case Report
Authors: Dr Anusha Pawar, Dr Sonal Bangwal, Dr Piyush Bajaj, Dr Tripti Choudhary
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i8.52
Hereditary drusen are an autosomal dominant entity. The most important factor is age-related so-called typical drusen. But this entity is characterized by an early appearance of drusen. The clinical appearance of familial drusen is variable, ranging from a few large, coarse lesions to numerous tiny dots. Because of the possibility of loss of vision in the younger years, an early diagnosis of familial drusen in necessary. No known effective treatment exists for Familial Dominant Drusen. Follow up is required in cases of Familial Dominant Drusen as occurence of CNVM is a possibility. Prompt treatment is required for the same.
KEYWORDS: Familial dominant drusen, choroidalneovascular membrane, malattialeventinese, Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy.