Title: Children and Mobile Media devices
Authors: Dr Sayid M Barkiya, Dr Damodaran Alakkodan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i8.48
Introduction: The mobile phone is a symbol of growing up for children. The use of interactive screen media such as smartphones and tablets by children is increasing rapidly.
Aim & Objectives: a)To find out the time spent by children on Mobile Media Devices (MMD) b)To Identify their preferences and to review the existing literature and suggest preliminary guidance for parents and families.
Study Design: cross –sectional study. setting: kannur
Materials & Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted at Kannur medical college kannur from April 2015 to October 2015 and study includes 300 children, and age group between 3- 10 years, comprising of both girls and boys hailing from rural and urban areas of Kannur district in kerala were interviewed to find out their mobile media device using and their preferences.
Results: The data was analysed statistically. Results on average children of the present study spent time is about 30-45 minutes per day in children age group between 3-6 years old and 2-3 hours per day in children age group between 7-10 respectively. Most of them 87% are using smartphone handset and surprisingly there is no difference between girls and boys .Apparently urban children spend more time on mobile Media devices than their rural counterparts., their preferences are in the order of while feeding especially during their meals 90% in toddler and Preschool children, followed by calling 45%,send message 50% ,access mobile internet 80% whats up messages 33.6%. songs 21.5%,camera 90%,music players 60%, movies players 70%, Download apps 70%, social net working 50% ,profile set to public 40%, come with new friends on line 15%,parents concern about child mobile use100%,sports 13.7%, serials 12.9% news 9.2% cartoons 6.5% others 0.3%.Parental concerns and mobile safety Concerns about children’s privacy is lowest and 83% of parents are “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about their children’s privacy on mobile phones. 85% of families do not set rules on mobile phone use. Our study age betwen 5-7 years children only 27% had abnormal behaviour and 4% in age group between 8-10 years. respectively. When compared to children had less sleep in 26.6% between 5-7 years and 8.3%in 8-10 years of age.
Conclusion: The children of the study spend more time on entertainment programms. Studies across different parts of the country have shown that children view entertainment programs more than educational and informative ones. The children age group between 3-6 years were using mobile during their meals. A recently published data concurs with the present observation. Our study age betwen 5-7 years children only 27% had abnormal behaviour and 4% in age group between 8-10 years. respectively. compared to children had less sleep in 26.6% between 5-7 years and 8.3%in 8-10 years of age.
Children programm have become synonymous with foriegn cartoon films and educational programm have received set back. Since mobile hand set is considered more than a foster parent using should be viewed seriously. Programms related to children should be introduced to improve their educational and health aspects. Accordingly policy makers should take steps to implement this. Children are viewed as a medium for promoting consumerism. marketing company do not appear to be very concerned about the impact on mobile viewership of children. Highly developed academic bodies in our country hardly pay any attention to children’s programme. parents and teachers need to consider it their responsibility to ensure over usage and certain viewing discipline.
Keywords: preschool children; mobile phones; relationship.